Welcome to the Lonoke County Assessor's website. We hope you find it a useful resource for practical information about property values and the assessment process. Every Citizen of Lonoke County matters and deserves the best possible service from our office and through our website. Thank you for taking the time to visit our site.
You can contact the Assessor Donna Pedersen or one of her office staff at the following locations:
212 N Center St Lonoke phone (501) 676-6938
1604 S Pine St Suite E Cabot phone (501) 424-4242
The hours of operation at both locations are Monday through Friday 8:00 am till 4:30 pm with the exception of Lonoke County Holidays.
What We Do
The office of the Assessor has the following responsibilities to the Citizens of Lonoke County:
- To locate all taxable property in the county and indentify ownership.
- To establish a taxable value for all real and personal properties subject to taxation.
- To complete an assessment roll showing the assessed values of all real and personal properties.
- To apply all legal exemptions and Amendment 79 Homestead Act where applicable.
State law mandates that all real and personal properties are subject to taxation unless otherwise exempted. Your property taxes support necessary services provided to the residents of Lonoke County including law enforcement, fire protection, education, libraries and other vital services.
The duty of the County Assessor is to appraise and assess all real property between the first Monday of January and the first of July. All property in the County shall be assessed according to its value. Property taxes are based on the assessed value of your property. Property tax bills show land and improvement values. Improvements include all assessable buildings and structures on the land. It does not necessarily mean that you have recently "improved your property."
The duty of the County Assessor is to assess all tangible personal property for ad valorem taxes between the first Monday of January and the 31st of May. This includes all residences and businesses established in Lonoke County during this time frame. All taxable tangible personal propety assessable during this period shall be assessed according to its market value as of the first day of January of the year of the assessment of the date of acquisition of the tangible personal property was acquired.
Late penalties of 10% will apply if you assess after May 31st.
Each business operating in the State of Arkansas is required by Arkansas State Law to assess all business personal property by May 31st. The Lonoke County Assessor’s office mails all personal business forms January of the current assessment year to any businesses that assessed their property the previous year.
If a business closes please send the forms back, signed, with a short letter of when the business closed. If you need help completing the form, our office will be more than happy to assist with the completion of the form. Forms are available on the website to download. Forms, once completed, can be faxed, mailed, emailed or brought into our office as long as signature is legible and readable (if emailed).
Late penalties of 10% will apply if returned or postmarked after May 31st.
About Lonoke County

The Lone Oak
Lonoke County was established from its parent counties Prairie and Pulaski on April 16th, 1873. It received its unique name from a “lone oak” tree used by railroad surveyor George Rumbough to establish a landmark in the area.
Lonoke county has a long history reaching back all the way to the Lousiana Purchase and beyond. If you would like to know more about Lonoke or Arkansas in general, please visit the
Encyclopedia of Arkansas.